Friday, October 21, 2011

GARTH DANIELS - Olanzapine/Zyprexa - reinventing the wheel

Prescribed before and now again reinventing the wheel- psychiatrists expecting a different result?

These are the packages of the prescriptions of Olanzapine/Zyprexa which Garth Daniels was forced to consume several years ago with debilitating effects. Now several years on these drugs have again been prescribed... via an intra-muscular injection and orally "off-label" without informed consent. Yet, Garth free from the 550mg zuclopenthixol intra-muscular injection since 29 July 2011...but Garth is still not free.

Garth having committed no offence remains falsely imprisoned by psychiatrists without trial in a forensic facility, contrary to the Rule of Law and provisions under the Mental Health Act 1986 (as amended).

Is this the state of anarchy? Is this a subtle return to that state of repression? Is this eglatarian Australia or a Gulag? You be the judge.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

GARTH DANIELS - Questions of Law or State of Anarchy

Judge Marilyn Warren Chief Justice in the Supreme Court of Victoria in her keynote address at the Judicial Conference of Australia Colloquium said, that if lawyers fail to observe their duty to the courts, then they do their clients an injustice.

Quote:" officer of the court concerned in the administration of justice[a legal practitioner]has an overriding duty to the court,to the standards of his profession,and to the public... Rondel v Worsley [1969] 1AC 191, 227 Lord Reid".Unquote.

...the lawyers obligation then Judge Warren went on to say, is to apply the rule of law Quote:" assist the court in the doing of justice according to law". Unquote.

It must follow on from that without the application of the rule of law there can be no justice... a clients perception of indifference, negligence, laissez-faire... a state of anarchy. And so it seems with psychiatry... the client/patient Garth Daniels... the involuntary detainee who despite the rule of law finds himself in a state of anarchy. Detained in a forensic facility contrary to the rule of law...falsely imprisoned.

Is it simply a state of anarchy... a marked indifference, a laissez-faire? Is it a question of I'm alright it does'nt affect me? Think again!!!!

It does not seem that long ago an infamous politician suggested that lawyers who assist citizens in challenging the State are nothing but "imbeciles" and "charlatans"...we are not sure what he said about psychiatry. However, we must shudder to contemplate such a suggestion yet again for that infamous politician's name was Adolf Hitler.

"For evil to prevail it takes a few good men to do nothing",an adaptation from Edmund Burke

Saturday, February 26, 2011

GARTH DANIELS - Psychiatry, statistics and lies : Unethical Ethics.

"It is dishonest to pretend that caring coercively for the mentally ill invariably helps him, and that abstaining from such coercion is tantamount to 'withholding treatment' from him. ... All history teaches us to beware of benefactors who deprive their beneficiaries of liberty"- Thomas Szasz Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus...

Philosophy of Liberty(click below)

April this time of writing Garth Daniels remains in isolation (seclusion) at Thomas Embling Forensic Facility...under circumstances the same as when he was held at the Austin Hospital.

Garth Daniels continues to be given a potentially lethal injection, at doses with debilitating effects upon his bodily function... Garth Daniels is still NOT FREE...the injection dose has been increased...

Monday, February 14, 2011

GARTH DANIELS - Contemporaneous notes - A Curious Treatment

Garth Daniels on Monday 14 February 2011 after having been prescribed a cocktail of drugs [Zuclopenthixol acetate; Zuclopenthixol deconoate; Chlorpromazine, Chloryl hydrate and Clopixol]clinically referred to as polypharmacy; was transfered from Peninsula Hospital Mental Health Frankston under the auspices of Dr.Sean Jespersen,Clinical Director (and former Community Principal Consultant at Eastern Health)to Thomas Embling Forensic Facility.

Garth Daniels has committed NO CRIME, has NO CRIMINAL OFFENCE pending - but, merely because his parents who hold Enduring Power of Attorney Medicalquestioned the need for polypharmacy and their son Garth's continued solitary confinement in the morning;Garth Daniels was transfered by the afternoon.

Garth Daniels had been treated in seclusion. Garth Daniels was allowed leave each day with a member of his family, into the community...but on return was required to enter the seclusion room where he was kept in solitary confinement until his next leave...a violation of his basic human rights and a terrible psychological HOAX.

A curious treatment(sic)at a hospital which has been granted more than forty million dollars to serve its community.

Garth Daniels entered hospital voluntary on an undertaking by the treating psychiatrists that his prescribed INVOLUNTARY intra-muscular injection given to Garth Daniels every second week; which was causing him debilitating side effects would gradually be substituted with its oral equivalent. And, that this would lead to the cessation of the intra-muscular injection.

Instead...the injection was increased on admission...oral clopixol added and...once again Garth Daniels has been sent back to Thomas Embling Hospital, a Forensic Facility...for those alleged to be criminally insane. Garth Daniels is NOT INSANE...he is a mothers son...he has done NO HARM

Is it a criminal offense to question one's treatment? Whose mothers son or daughter will be next?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GARTH DANIELS - Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1986.)

The Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 under Section 17A provides for the poisons and restricted substances that may be used, possessed, supplied or prescribed by nurse practitioners and theoretically forms part of approved nurse practitioner guidelines.

All prescription drugs are listed in the Australian Poisons Register as at least S4 toxic poisons. Therefore, it is NOT POSSIBLE for any Court to order by the administration of force that a person be given poisonous substances against their free will;such actions would automatically invoke the Crimes Act 1958.

Health professionals who are not aware that prescription drugs are POISONS do not have the expertise knowledge to practice medicine. Far to often it is the over prescription of these drugs as has been demonstrated again and again in the treatment of Garth Daniels, that it is neurotoxic and culminates in violent and disrupted behaviour which is all too readily ascribed to Garth Daniels non-compliance.

But, what if the very drugs prescribed to alliviate the problem actually exascerbates it? Would you take a drug which you know is poisonous to your system or affecting you in an adverse way? We should think not...

Garth Daniels while being treated without his informed consent in hospital allegedly assaulted several nurses. He was summoned to appear in the Frankston Magistrates Court on charges of assault with intent. This matter being one of many such allegations attracted the attention of the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions).

Intent in procuring a prosecution the DPP established ultimately on evidence that Garth Daniels had been served an overdose toxic prescription. The DPP which initially vigorously sought to secure a conviction dropped all charges, as did the Public Prosecutor in the Frankston Magistrates Court in 2010.

After twelve months under a CTO (Community Treatment Order) not because he was non-compliant but because he was feeling the effects of neurotoxicity...difficulty breathing, perspiring profusely, skin temperauture hot to the touch, eyes penetrating upwards and involuntary tongue movements and grimaces of the mouth... Garth Daniels admitted himself to Hospital on Friday 28 January 2011...

Garth Daniels is currently being treated... in a seclusion room... at Frankston Hospital. Ironically,The Age a Melbourne newspaper today reported on the Coroners findings in the death of a Mr.Fraser at Frankston Hospital in seclusion in October five years ago...Quote:"After the team restrained Mr.Fraser in the ward, he was moved to a seclusion room, where he was found to have stopped breathing."Unquote.

The Daniels family remains vigilant as their concerns for their son is not totally unfounded. As The Age reports, Coroner Peter White is investigating a similar incident at Eastern Health's Maroondah Hospital into the death of another psychiatric patient Adam White six months earlier.